讲员:Dr. Erica Liu Wollin
【Summary】:This workshop will explore issures concerning brokenness between individuals and their parents or caregivers. Relational barriers may be due to past betrayal, abuse, neglect, mistreatment, rejection or through, death or separation. We will explore a healthy and Biblical definition of forgiveness, incorporating, cultivation of desire to forgive and strategies to move towards forgiveness. (English, 125 minutes, 不设中文翻译)
♦ 如何实践教会中彼此饶恕(DVD)
♦ 教会肢体关系伤害的饶恕(DVD)
♦ 从祷告、灵修神学、属灵战争及临床心理学探讨饶恕的历程(DVD)
♦ 从圣经看家庭关系的医治A Biblical Model of Healing Relationships (中文翻译)(DVD)
♦ 饶恕难在Part 2:从心理学、认知行为学、完成治疗学去探讨饶恕的困难(DVD)
♦ 教会伤害的饶恕(2 CD)
♦ 职场上的饶恕(2 CD)
♦ 化解两性误解和伤害(2 CD)
♦ 由心灵刚硬造成的不能饶恕(3 CD)
♦ 深情相拥——化解婚姻关系的伤害(2 CD)
♦ 从圣经看心灵医治(2 CD)