【曲目】:01.沙漠中的讚美(Praise in the Desert) 02.耶穌基督是主(Jesus Christ Is the Lord) 03.我們愛-讓世界不一樣(We Will Love- We Can Make a Difference) 04.翻轉地球(Change the World) 05.來歡呼讚美(Come and Worship) 06.喜樂泉源(Fountain of Joy) 07.世界之光(Light of the World) 08.阿爸天父(Abba Father) 09.賜福與你(Blessings of God Be upon You) 10.天父的花園(The Father's Gargen) 11.我要歌唱(I Will Sing) 12.你的最愛(Your Beloved) 13.耶和華靠近傷心的人-華語+閩南語(The Lord Is Close to the Broken- Mandarin + Fukanese) 14.掌上明珠(Precious Pearl) 15.我的天堂(My Heaven)