出版社: 讚美之泉
【曲目】:01.主我跟你走(Lord, I Walk With You) 02.單單只為你(For You Alone) 03.耶和華坐著為王(Lord, You Sit Enthroned) 04.聖潔全能主(Holy is the Lord) 05.耶穌耶穌(Jesus, Jesus) 06.親近你(Close to You) 07.你的同在(Your Presence) 08.我心切切渴慕你(My Heart Shall Long for You) 09.沙崙的玫瑰(Rose of Sharon) 10.禱告(I Pray) 11.你美好應許(Your Promise) 12.全地當讚美(The Whole Earth Will Sing) 13.耶和華尼西(Jehovah Nissi) 14.耶和華是我牧者(Lord, You Are My Shepherd)
【附贈DVD曲目】:01.單單只為你-MV(For You Alone) 02.禱告-MV(I Pray) 03.親近你-MV(Close to You)