講員: Dr. Mark Yang
【Summary】: The importance of forgiveness in the context of grief and bereavement. Existential themes, such as the concept of existential guilt, acceptance of death, freedom and destiny will be discussed. The concept of cheap versus costly grace as presented by the theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer will be presented. (English, 50 minutes, 不設中文翻譯)
♦ 如何實踐教會中彼此饒恕(DVD)
♦ 教會肢體關係傷害的饒恕(DVD)
♦ 從禱告、靈修神學、屬靈戰爭及臨床心理學探討饒恕的歷程(DVD)
♦ 從聖經看家庭關係的醫治 A Biblical Model of Healing Relationships (中文翻譯)(DVD)
♦ 饒恕難在 Part 2:從心理學、認知行為學、完成治療學去探討饒恕的困難(DVD)
♦ 教會傷害的饒恕(2 CD)
♦ 職場上的饒恕(2 CD)
♦ 化解兩性誤解和傷害(2 CD)
♦ 由心靈剛硬造成的不能饒恕(3 CD)
♦ 深情相擁——化解婚姻關係的傷害(2 CD)
♦ 從聖經看心靈醫治(2 CD)