GLOW系列(一):差遣我(國/CD+DVD Bonus) #11A-326A

GLOW系列(一):差遣我(國/CD+DVD Bonus) #11A-326A

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出版社: 讚美之泉

【曲目】:01.G.L.O.W.世代(glow gen.)      02.萬國得知你的救恩(let the world know)      03.差遣我(send me, Lord)      04.永遠唱著讚美(forever sing your praise)      05.最深愛的主(the love of my life)      06.緊緊抓住你(holding onto you)      07.光明之子(children of light)      08.生命劇場(life theater)      09.祝你生日快樂(happy birthday to you)      10.喜樂的旋律(joyful melody)      11.天天讚美(praise my lord)      12.主領我路(God lead our way)      13.主啊,我要跟隨你(Lord, i want to follow You)      14.如果耶穌沒有來(if Juses has not come)      15.差遣我-英(send me, Lord- English)     16.對話(dialog)      17.差遣我-日(send me, Lord- Japanese)